Friday, September 21, 2012

More and More Running

Yesterdays run was a horrible one.  I was kinda sore and I picked the wrong time of the day, it was way to hot out.  So I ended up walking most of the time but I am glad I got out and done it anyways.

Today was so much better, went earlier in the day when the temp is about 10*C and that seems ideal for me to run in, I don't sweat much and I can still breathe easily.  I run about 1 1/2 minutes and walked about 1 minute, although towards the end it ended up the other way around but I had to keep going.  I am noticing I am needing to stretch more before i run now as well as afterwards oar I get sore.

I am trying to push myself and not sure that is the best thing to do, think I need to look up a running plan and find out what the best way is.  Probly shoulda done that before I started this whole new expedition.

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